Mei Looi | Psy .D

Mei Looi, Psy .D. Is a Licensed Clinical Phychologist (License Number: PSY 29139) who has been practicing for more than a decade. Dr. Looi specializes in school neuropsychological accessments, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, executive functioning challenges, and learning disability from preschool-aged children to adolescents. Dr. Looi has a particular passion for treatments of ADHD, and other executive function challenges.

Dr. Looi has a deep knowledge of the teaching and learning process, having started her career interning at three charter schools functioning as a School Psychologist, frequently collaborating with classroom teachers, parents, instructional assistants, and speech therapists, to ensure students optimal learning and successes.

Dr Looi is honored to be serving as a Consulting Psychologist for the Meadow Oaks School and is excited to be part of the Meadow Oaks community. She looks forward to working with students and collaborating with teachers and parents to build a strong learning enviroment and cultivating a road to excellence.